Shelter Box: Background design

My main role in production was background design, and I set about this task by researching specific places where these disasters have taken place, for the earthquake I looked at Nepal, for the tsunami Japan and for the refugee camp Syria. Doing primary research and looking at photographs of each place was very helpful as I was able to pick out prominent features for each scene making it realistic, for example destroyed ancient ruins in Syria.

For each background I made two layers with the thought in mind of creating a parallax later to create a sense of depth. To add to this illusion I made sure that the scale diminished in the layer furthest away, and that I practised aerial perspective making the colours less saturated and hazy. Although the scenes were opposite environments I managed to make each scene flow onto one another, the design really unified them making it look consistent. If I had more time I would have liked to create three or four layers which would have pushed the depth and also made them more complex.


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